
The City of Camilla has an At-large Animals Constitute a Nuisance Ordinance, commonly known as the Leash Law. This ordinance was established as a method to protect the citizens of our city as well as property.

If you own an animal such as a dog, it must be maintained in a proper enclosure except when secured by leash or lead not to exceed six feet in length and held by a responsible, able bodied person. To read the entire ordinance visit www.camillaga.net, click on the How Do I Tab, City Codes & Ordinances, and search for 4.3.30. Other codes that relate to matter include, Noise Nuisance 4.3.2 and Vaccination Proof Required 4.3.31.  

The city has been notified that two dogs, a brown and white pit bull and a grey pit bull with a green collar, are roaming around South Harney, Court Drive, and Camellia Streets areas. This is a violation of the City’s ordinance 4.3.30.

Our Building and Code Enforcement Office is requesting your assistance in this matter. If you encounter either dog or other animals that are in conflict with any of the above ordinances please do as follows:

  • For Non-Emergency situations contact the Planning & Zoning Department for Code Enforcement at 229-336-2207.
  • If the animal is aggressive, harmed an individual, or destroying property call 911 immediately.
  • If able, take a picture of the animal and email it to customerservice@camillaga.net or teklas@cityofcamilla.com with the date and time.

The Building and Code Enforcement office will investigate and take action on such related matters. Our staff is here to ensure the City of Camilla remains clean, safe, and a happy place to live.